Remote ID verification
Last updated 09/07/2024

felix mobile’s Remote ID Validation Tool helps protect you from a transaction being made using your identity without your permission.

For some transactions or actions you make with felix mobile, we’ll send you a text message with a link to felix mobile’s Remote ID Validation Tool. You’ll need to consent to us collecting and using your personal information (including any sensitive information) for this purpose.

Through this tool, you will be asked to:
- Take and upload a photograph of your identification document (Australian driver’s licence, Passport or Proof of Age Card)
- Confirm that the written information collected from your ID is correct
- Take and upload a brief video to establish that you are the owner of the identification provided

The felix mobile Remote ID Validation Tool uses biometric measurements from your photo and compares it to your ID to validate a match. It also completes a number of checks on the security features of your ID document to ensure it is legitimate.

Check out our Privacy Policy for details on how we handle your personal information.

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