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more about felix
more about felix
What’s included in my felix plan?
Can I call 1300 and 1800 numbers? (Yes!)
Is voicemail included? (Yes!)
Does felix offer VoLTE or WiFi Calling?
Can I bring my current number over to felix?
See all 19 articles
sign up and activation
sign up & SIM activation
I am having trouble verifying my email
Activating your physical SIM if you're keeping your existing number
Activating your physical SIM if you're getting a new felix number
Activating your eSIM if you're keeping your existing number
Activating your eSIM if you're getting a new felix number
See all 38 articles
payments & plans
payments & plans
How do I manage voicemail?
How does the payment cycle work?
When do my payments start?
What happens if my auto renewal payment fails?
Can I pay early?
See all 49 articles
network & troubleshooting
network & troubleshooting
Will I have coverage in my area?
Which network does felix use?
How do I know when I’m using VoLTE?
Where can I use WiFi Calling?
How do I make WiFi calls?
See all 39 articles
international add-ons
international add-ons
Can I use felix for International Roaming?
Can I call or text overseas numbers when in Australia?
How do I format an international number for calls or texts?
Which services will work overseas if I don't have International Roaming?
I'm having trouble using International Roaming
See all 9 articles
legal and privacy
legal and privacy
How can I contact felix for help?
Where is the felix support centre?
What is the Fair Use Policy?
How you can protect your data
Ensuring that your security information and personal details are safe
See all 23 articles
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